HAMILTON, Ontario -- Apollo Inc (www.apollophotonics.com ) the market leader in CAD design and simulation tool for active and passive photonic device and integrated circuit today announced the release of new versions of APSS (Apollo Photonic Solutions Suite) and ALDS (Advanced Laser Diode Simulator).
APSS provide a uniform platform to design and simulate integrated circuits covering all steps of design including material selection, waveguide design and mode solvers, 2D/3D device simulators (BPM, FDTD, BPM+FDTD, CBPM...), and circuit simulation. The new version of APSS has more capabilities to design complex 3D structures such as photonic crystals. The broad range of simulation engines in APSS can be used in wide range of applications such as waveguide gratings, multi-ring resonators, photonic crystal fibers, photonic band gap devices, biophotonics, and optical storage media. APSS provides a library of most photonic components, such as AWG, and designer can easily create their design using the available templates. APSS is the first and only leading CAD tool in the industry with providing advanced integrated circuit simulator. The new version is available now.
ALDS with user-friendly interface provides accurate simulation of wide range of semiconductor lasers, such as InP or GaAs based DFB, DBR and FP lasers with bulk or strained-layer quantum well. The new version provides large signal analysis, and improved material/thermal/electrical simulations. ALDS new version is also available for shipment.
Apollo Photonics Inc.