MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. -- AirTight Networks™, the leading provider of wireless intrusion prevention solutions, today announced that it has settled a nuisance customer list lawsuit brought against the company by one of its competitors, AirDefense. While terms of the settlement are confidential, the case was settled on terms favorable to AirTight with no financial compensation accorded to AirDefense. The settlement will have no material impact on AirTight, its products, or its market leadership position.
The facts underlying the lawsuit were that AirTight hired an SE who previously had worked for AirDefense, and that an ex-AirDefense sales person had given some customer and prospect lists from AirDefense to an AirTight sales person. Based on these facts, AirDefense filed a nuisance lawsuit. Contrary to mis-statements from AirDefense, the information in question was of limited value. The case did not involve the technology of either party.
“AirTight is leading in the marketplace and we are regularly beating AirDefense in customer evaluations and bake-offs. As a result, AirDefense has exhibited a pattern of increasingly desperate behavior relative to AirTight,” said David King, chairman and CEO, of AirTight Networks. “They brought this lawsuit against us, trying to disrupt our business. They are now mis-characterizing this lawsuit and its settlement. We are beating them in the marketplace, so they have been trying to interfere with our business using other mechanisms. AirTight is confident in the quality of our products, the patent protection for our intellectual property, as well as our business processes and ethics.”
AirTight Networks’ family of products includes SpectraGuard® Enterprise, SpectraGuard MNC, SpectraGuard Sentry, SpectraGuard Planner, and SpectraGuard SAFE (Security Agent For Endpoints) products. As shown in the February 2006 Tolly Group report, the March 2006 Information Security Magazine review, a May 2006 Gartner MarketScope report, and a May 2006 Tower group report, AirTight’s SpectraGuard Enterprise outperforms its competitors in wireless intrusion prevention functionality.
AirDefense Inc.
AirTight Networks Inc.