4:00 PM -- As a regular watcher of telecom equipment stocks, I can't help but notice the uncanny fact that {dirlink 2|94} and {dirlink 2|63} often trade within pennies of each others' share prices.
Of course, the companies are subject to the same winds of fortune in the telecom industry at large. And their situations are simliar: They're both once-powerful incumbents struggling to recover from massive reorganizations. But isn't it still a bit odd that both stocks are magically magnetized to the $3 level? Numerologists, start your calculators.

Who'll win the race to keep their head above the $3 level? Right now, Nortel's winning. It's a race worth watching.
Light Ranting will keep abreast of this situation and fill you on any shocking developments -- for example, if one of these bad boys can actually make it to $4.
— R. Scott Raynovich, US Editor, Light Reading