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A Nokia sale of mobile, especially to the US, would be nuts
Nokia's hiring of Intel's Justin Hotard to be its new CEO has set tongues wagging again about a mobile exit, but it would look counterintuitive and inadvisable.
Lyse selects Siemens to expand its triple play service offerings in Norway
June 5, 2006
MUNICH -- Siemens Communications was chosen to supply its Next Generation accessplatform to Lyse, one of the most successful triple play providers inNorthern Europe. With this solution, Lyse and its partners are now able tooffer such services as fast Internet access as well as high-qualitycommunication and entertainment via the ADSL2+ access network, acutting-edge technology for high-speed data connections over existingcopper-wire infrastructures.
"Siemens has provided us with a reliable IP DSLAM platform, which enables usto deliver reliable, high-quality services to end users over copper lines,"noted Tore Kristoffersen, Chief Technology Officer at Lyse.
Prompted by strong demand on the Norwegian market for video, data and voicein the form of service packages, Lyse decided to expand its triple playservice offerings to cover a wide range of customers in regions whereFiber-to-the-Home (FttH) networks are not available. The ADSL2+ accesstechnology from Siemens is a supplementary infrastructure that will allowLyse to offer its popular triple play services, such as high-speed internet,VoIP and IPTV.
With the new network, Lyse will be providing services at top transfer speedsof up to 25 megabits per second. The ADSL2+ solution from Siemens is fullyintegrated into Lyse Tele's in-house provisioning system, allowing OPEX tobe kept to a minimum.
Siemens Communications Group
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