WASHINGTON -- American Cable Association President and CEO Matthew M. Polka threw ACA's support behind the Federal Communications Commission's effort to use Universal Service Fund money for the first time to advance universal and affordable broadband, highlighting ACA's involvement in an issue that reflect the business diversity of the trade group's membership.
"In general, ACA supports the creation of a competitively neutral fund," Polka said. "Our members offer a video service but most also offer data and voice. No longer does ACA focus just on video issues," Polka said.
Polka said he is hopeful that the FCC will agree that the program's high-cost fund should be capped at year-end 2010 levels; that support should not flow to areas where there are competitive providers offering service without using support; and that a sufficient transition for smaller telephone companies now drawing high-cost support is necessary.
"USF reform should provide smaller local telecommunications entities now drawing from the fund with sufficient time to adjust to the newly reformed program. ACA suggests that, for a period of eight years, the FCC should permit smaller telephone companies to receive USF support if they agree to deploy broadband service," Polka said.
American Cable Association (ACA)
Federal Communications Commission (FCC)