Data analytics company Guavus Inc. announced Thursday that it has scooped up the Pipeline platform, which was created by Applied Broadband Inc. to collect and analyze Internet Protocol Detailed Records (IPDR) data.With the new acquisition, Guavus says it can now offer cable operators a "comprehensive view of their networks, services, devices and subscribers as they evolve their product offerings, improve the customer experience and drive new revenues."IPDR has quickly become the standard in cable network data collection since Applied Broadband first began touting its merits in 2009. The Pipeline software uses IPDR technology to help operators understand network activity down to the cable modem level and then use that information in capacity planning, customer care initiatives and product development. (See Startup Pushes for IPDR Adoption.)Today, Guavus can claim seven of the top ten MSOs in North America as Pipeline customers. (Guavus has major telco clients, too -- see For Guavus, Next Stop AT&T?"Living Large and Soaring Higher: How Big Data and Cloud Services Are Powering Cable’s New Tech Era." The panel will also feature Mike LaJoie from Time Warner Cable Inc., Mark Francisco from Comcast Corp., Stephanie Mitchko from Cablevision Systems Corp., Brian Hedstrom from Cable Television Laboratories Inc. (CableLabs) and Kip Compton from Cisco Systems Inc.— Mari Silbey, Special to Light Reading Cable