BUDAPEST -- On January 1 T-Mobile was the first in Hungary to launch the first 4G/LTE based mobile internet service. The service became available in most parts of 10 Budapest districts through LTE enabled equipment or using the Net&Roll 4G mobile internet package, which T-Mobile offers promotionally at a discount monthly fee. A three-month extended network testing has come to its end in which over a hundred residential, SME and large business customers and employees were involved. The development of the network continues intensively in 2012 also, so that an increasing number of customers may enjoy the benefits of the real mobile broad band.
The development of T-Mobile’s 4G/LTE network is underway intensively and according to plans. The network operated in certain parts of Budapest districts 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 12 and 13 in October 2011; by today it also covers already the larger parts of districts 2, 11 and 14. In the result of intensive development the number of 4G/LTE stations roughly tripled by the end of the year and, as of January 1, the new broad band mobile technology will be available for 40 per cent of Budapest citizens even for indoor use. According to plans the service provider will expand coverage to the whole area of Budapest in 2012.
T-Mobile Hungary