PARIS -- Alcatel-Lucent (EuronextParis and NYSE: ALU) today announced that it has been awarded a contract byDelta Telecom, a fast growing service provider in the Caucasus region, todeploy Azerbaijan's first commercial WiMAX 802.16e-2005 (Rev-e) network.This new network will provide Delta Telecom's customers with high-speedInternet access as well as other data services and voice over IP (VoIP).
It will accommodate stationary, nomadic and mobile applications andwill complement Delta Telecom's existing fixed broadband services insparsely populated areas, where technical and economic factors sometimesmake fixed broadband deployments impractical. Delta Telecom plans to launchthe commercial services on the network at the end of 2008.
Alcatel-Lucent will supply a comprehensive package of infrastructureand services to both deploy WiMAX and modernize Delta Telecom's nationwidecarrier backbone infrastructure. This end-to-end solution includes basestations, WiMAX access controllers, terminals, an IMS core network andapplications software and platforms. Alcatel-Lucent also will providedesign and planning for end-to-end integration of the network as well asprovisioning services for Delta Telecom's network. The comprehensiveapproach of this project is in line with Alcatel-Lucent's recently launchedEnd-to-End IP Wireless-Broadband Solution for WiMAX.
By integrating an IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem) platform into the WiMAXsolution, Delta Telecom is positioning itself to not only quickly andprofitably launch carrier-grade voice services today but also to scale upand introduce rich multimedia communications services in the future.
"We want to provide our business and residential customers with a widerange of beneficial, easy-to-use wireless broadband services," said RamazanValiyev, General Director of Delta Telecom. "Alcatel-Lucent has recognizedglobal expertise in broadband IP networking and WiMAX radio technology aswell as in fast-growing markets, and with its solutions and combined assetsour subscribers will benefit from unmatched, sustainable quality of serviceand quality of experience."
Alcatel-Lucent (NYSE: ALU)